The McDowall State School delivers excellence in quality preparatory and primary education services. The purpose of the McDowall State School is to implement the Australian preparatory and primary curriculum and deliver effective professional teaching services within a supportive school learning environment facilitating achievement of personal excellence.
Our vision is for all students to experience success and to assume increasing levels of self responsibility in the achievement of pre-determined learning outcomes within a supportive learning context strengthened by partnerships.
Our values
Focus on the child
Our collective decision-making, goodwill and endeavour is to benefit enrolled children.
Quality curriculum
Teachers being able to interpret, construct, implement and review the best curriculum possible.
Effective teaching resulting in learning
Supporting highly skilled teaching practitioners to achieve the best outcomes for all students.
Partnerships – staff, students, parents and community
Parents and community actively supporting and complementing school operations, investing additional funding, resources, time, facilities and opportunities to make ‘Our Great State School’ even better.
Best outcomes for all students
We aspire to achieve the best learning outcomes for all enrolled students.